Again, have been focussing on job applications (and a little bit on Football Manager) over the last few days and so haven't really played too much. Where I have played, I think I've played fairly well though.
Hands (Total): 1113 (15162)
$ won (Total): +$49.28 (-$77.85)
Current BR: $922.15
That's a bit better. A poster on 2+2 (Jay1986) has been a massive help to me this week, outlining the importance of wa/wb situations and just check/calling flops that I would before continuation bet a lot. My plan over the next few days is to work more on this and re-read the "value betting" section of Slansky's Theory of Poker. Also, have another online article on a similar topic to read, and more importantly, try to understand.
Played the occasional hand badly, usually ones where I try to fire a second bullet when it's obvious he's just going to catch my bullet and fire about 12 back!
Still enjoying cash games more than any other form of poker at the minute.
STTs - $6.50s
Games (Total): 50 (177)
$ won (Total): +$145 (+$264)
Current BR: $814
I haven't actually played 50 stts in the last two days, but one of my updates at the end of October disappered so for continuity of the blog, I thought I would just pretend I have. Been playing some on FTP. After emailing support, I can now play 12 tables at once and enjoy the structure of their sit and go's and I get rakeback on them. So, I'm going to play a few $12 turbos in the next week or so and see how they go. So, I will remove $214 from my BR and start at 12x50=$600 BR.
MTTs - $16.50s
Games: 0 (14)
Total: 0 (-$104.30)
Current BR: $695.70
Gone off these a little at the moment, but reading Phil Gordon's Little Green Book may prehaps reignite my passion for them.
Total Bankroll: $2217.85
Although less than 2 days ago, I have actually made about $100 so its all good.
Generally, I'm about done with Party Poker unless something drastic happens. Their games, in my opinion, are still the softest on the internet. However, their business practice leaves A LOT to be desired. I should have been receiving rakeback from them in September/October/November, but it seems unlikely that they will be paying my affiliate (as he is a US account) and so he cannot pay us. Kind of frustrating as I'm owed about $1800. Unfortunately, I can't see them resolving this situation and have almost written this money off, which is kind of painful!
At the minute, Full Tilt are getting the majority of my attention. Lucky them.
Finally, for nay relative newbies to NL cash, this series of articles are of great use. You can thank me later.
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