free invisible hit counter Becoming the all-round poker player

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Been a while since my last update because I haven't been playing that much (or that well). Have been posting and reading 2+2 a lot, and filling in some job application forms. Nothing overly exciting.

NL CASh - $50NL

Hands (Total): 2106 (14049)
$ won (Total): -$114.32 (-$127.13)
Current BR: $872.87

GRRRR! This is getting frustrating now. I can't beat $50NL. However, I have started to post more and the first step to curing donkness is to admit you are a donk. So here it is, I am sick. I need to get better, and I will. Get these job interviews out of the way and I'm going "to do a Sponger" (but hopefully a lot quicker than he did). Game on! Here are the "interesting" hands from this week. Again, feel free to comment.

Hand 1 - Villain shows Qh9d

Hand 2 - Villain shows As5s

Hand 3 - Villain shows 5h5s

Hand 4 - I folded so...

Haven't played any STTs or MTTs since my last update.

Total BR: $2318.57

My BR really needs to start moving back in the right direction soon.



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